Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What does it take to get elected in today's political environment and is that method truly democratic?

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The true democratic way is what every candidate uses to get into office. This “true” way entitles the people to vote freely on a candidate in order for them to be elected. This still stands in our society today. Although there is a growing lack of voters in the polls every year. Voter turnout is the total number of voters who participated in an election. In the 2008 election, 38.4% did not cast a ballot. Furthermore, barley 1/3 of eligible voters participate in the midterm elections. What does this say about our society? A lack of interest for who will run our country? Or an ignorance to participate in an American duty? Another true democratic characteristic includes the varying opinion of both sides of the spectrum are clear and heard. This still appears today in our society through republicans and democrats. Both sides are either to the right or to the left. And both are able to announce and compain their ideas to the entire public. These two groups form political parties. These are groups that raise funding for their particular side. Also, they raise awareness for the parties opinion and support their candidate. Unfortunately, these individuals tend to get power hungry and they run the campaign in a viscous matter while airing campaign ads that attack the other candidate. Media has taken its toll on the outcome of many different elections. The media has gotten into every nook and cranny of the political system, and now, sometimes it is even hard to differentiate the truth. The media stretches and makes up different stories constantly about the candidates that is directly shift the views opinions on a particular candidate. This is known as media bias. I believe that this method of popularity for the candidates is not truly democratic. Media twists everything they hear and honesty, good media alone may get a candidate the win. If the outcome of an elections is in the hands of the media, we really need to over look our society and how the president of the United States is being chosen. This method is definitely not democratic. Problems in the way our elections are run that contradicts the way a truly democratic election should be run include campaign finance. In many cases, candidates practically buys the election, and this all depends on how much money the candidate has. If money is what is making a candidate win, that is definitely not democratic. Unfortunately, a candidate needs a lot of money to run, so only the rich can run. This leaves out many people who are just as qualified, maybe even more qualified, just because they are not millionaires to start off with. Maybe if we didn't rely on millionaires and money hungry politicians to run our country, it would not be so corrupt. Candidates are found now paying certain corporations and unions back because in the beginning these big corporations supported the candidate during the election. Elections now are being won by big businesses giving money to a candidate. It is absolutely unfair and unjust. Politicians find themselves indebted regarding policy's for corporations. Some of these organizations are called Political Action Comities. In depth, these are organizations established by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns Today, over 4,500 PACs are registered with the Federal Election Commission. These organizations can donate over 5,000 dollars to a particular candidate. Overall, PACs have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for a particular candidate. This is so far from the democratic way. When big businesses are buying the election, you know something is wrong. At this point, all it takes to get into office is have an excellent media crew to feed the public astonishing news about yourself, and get big corporations to buy the election for you. If a candidate has those two things, the election is in the bag. This money is known as hard money. This is money given directly to the candidate and it is funding that is repetitive and a one shot deal. On the other hand there is soft money. This is money that contributes to the political parties and then recycled into campaigns These contain large, anonymous contributions. Money is contributed directly to political parties for voter registration and organization. Ultimately, today we have swayed far from the “true” democratic way. Now elections are won by money, media, lies, and fame. When can we just have an honest election?

1 comment:

  1. Alicia-
    Great job, well supported and well analyzed.
